Sunday, 23 August 2009

Foo Fighters - Echoes, Silence, Patience & Grace

Foo Fighters is an American alternative rock band, and considerably more mainstream than the other bands we’ve discussed here. Calling their music alternative rock is about as useful as identifying them as a rock band, and also not completely fair to them. After all, they have managed to evolve a musical style of their own, which cannot be fully described by that label. Incidentally FF have always been Grammy favourites, with all their six albums being nominated, and three winning it. ‘Echoes, Patience, Silence & Grace’ is rock music at its palatable best. A couple of songs stick to the tried and tested FF formula: an extended acoustic opening section, followed by a quick amp-up into harder rock. ‘Let It Die’, and ‘But, honestly’ are perfect examples. Both songs are excellent listens, with the acoustic portions making you long for the electrics and when they do arrive, leaving you satisfied.

Video: Let It Die

‘The Pretender’ is the first single they released from this album, and is probably the only traditional alternative rock song in the entire album. Dave Grohl, the vocalist and former drummer for Nirvana, is good but not awesome. He knows he doesn’t possess a stupendous vocal range, but also knows that his harsh acoustic-backed vocals nicely complement his whining screams in the harder portions. The guitaring is again not too complex, but quite creative, and the simplicity is their greatest strength. This band doesn’t punch above its weight.

Video: The Pretender
Video: But, Honestly

Many hard rock bands make acoustic songs, and with a decent melody and standard chords, manage to make them sound good. But you realize what a really good acoustic song is supposed to sound like when you listen to ‘Stranger things have happened’. The tune is mesmerizing, and the sweet little solo towards the end of the song is spot on. Keyboard backed soft songs ‘Statues’, and ‘Home’ take some growing into, but you eventually will. ‘Ballad Of the Beaconsfield Miners’, an instrumental acoustic piece, is bound to appeal with its fast, almost quirky guitaring. There is a problem with this album, however, and it is that some of the songs give the impression that they are only there to make up the numbers. If you dislike a particular song, then it is quite likely that there will be another person who will absolutely love it. It’s much more worrying if there’s a song that makes no impression at all. And that is what detracts from an otherwise fine album. I mentioned earlier that FF is rock music at its most palatable, and I reiterate the point. If you are a ‘pop person’ moving into rock, listen to this album. If you a ‘rock person’, take some time to appreciate the best of alternative rock today.

Video: Stranger Things Have Happened

Rating: (Vocals: 8/10, Guitaring: 7.5/10, Originality: 9/10, Overall: 8.2/10)

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